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  内容来源:沪江英语   最近,一对纠缠了10年的荧幕情侣被曝终于在现实生活中走到了一起,瞬间在网络上引发热议。   他们就是经典美剧《老友记》中瑞秋和罗斯的饰演者——詹妮弗·安妮斯顿(Jennifer Aniston)和大卫·修蒙(David Schwimmer)。   《老友记》从1994年播到了2004年,让瑞秋和罗斯的爱情故事成为了一代人心中的经典。   在今年5月的重聚节目里,时隔20多年,他俩终于承认,当年其实在现实中也对彼此有感情!   当时有多少观众哭着吃瓜:原来我的瑞秋和罗斯真的爱过!谁能不大喊一句“意难平”?   Jennifer Aniston and David Schwimmer admitting that they had romantic feelings for one another during the early days of filming. Schwimmer stated:   珍妮佛·安妮斯顿和大卫·修蒙承认他们在拍戏的早期对彼此有心动的感觉。修蒙说:


  "We were bothcrushinghardoneach other, but it was like two ships passing. One of us was always in a relationship and we never crossed that boundary."   “我们都非常喜欢对方,但就像两条交错的船一样,我们中总有一个人在谈恋爱,所以我们从来没有越过那个界限。”   crush on 迷恋   Aniston added: "I remember saying one time to David, 'It's going to be such abummerif the first time you and I actually kiss is on national television.' And sure enough, it was.   安妮斯顿补充道:“我记得有一次我对大卫说,‘如果你和我的第一次接吻是在全国电视节目上播出,那也太糟糕了。’果然如此。   We just channeled all of our adoration and love for each other into Ross and Rachel."   “我们把对彼此的爱慕和爱,都传递给了罗斯和瑞秋。”   bummer /'bʌmə/ n. 失望(或不愉快)的局面(或情形);令人烦恼(或失望)的事      那时候谁能想到,3个月以后的现在,又开始传他俩的绯闻了!   "After the reunion, it became clear that reminiscing over the past had stirred up feelings for both of them and that chemistry they'd always had to bury was still there. They began texting immediately after filming and, just last month, David flew from his home in New York to see Jen in L.A.," a self-proclaimed insider told Closer.   一位知情人士告诉《Closer》杂志:“在重聚之后,很明显对过去的回忆激起了他们两人的感情,他们两个之间一直以来不得不压抑的化学反应仍然存在着。拍摄结束之后,他们立即开始互相发消息,就在上个月,大卫从自己纽约的家飞到了洛杉矶去看詹妮弗。”   chemistry /'kemɪstrɪ/ n.化学;(彼此间的) 吸引   "They've been spending time at Jen's home, where she's cooked dinners in the evenings, and have enjoyed quality time together, chatting and laughing. They were also spotted drinking wine, deep in conversation, as they walked around one of Jen's favorite vineyards in Santa Barbara, where it was clear there was lots of chemistry between them."   “他们一直待在詹妮弗的家里,晚上她在家里做饭,他们一起谈笑风生,享受着美好的时光。他们还被看到在圣芭芭拉詹妮弗最喜欢的一个葡萄园附近散步,一边喝着红酒,一边深入交谈,很明显他们对彼此都有着强烈的吸引力。”   虽然说无图无真相,嗑糖要谨慎。但是推特上的网友们表示已经开心疯了,我嗑的CP终于要成真了吗?   爆炸性新闻! !据报道,珍妮佛·安妮斯顿和大卫·修蒙正在约会!!用Janice的话说....哦,我的上帝!   罗斯和瑞秋!   我就是喜欢罗斯和瑞秋在一起正式约会!!多么可爱的一对啊!!   罗斯和瑞秋在现实生活中可能也在一起   我的天哪我的天哪我的天哪,#罗斯和瑞秋#,我的小心脏啊!   可惜,大家还没高兴太久,否认的消息就来了。   Sadly, a rep for Schimmer quickly killed thebuddingrumors, confirming to BuzzFeed News that reports of a romance between him and Aniston are not true.   遗憾的是,大卫·修蒙的发言人迅速澄清了谣言,向BuzzFeed新闻证实了关于他和安妮斯顿恋爱的报道是假的。   budding /'bʌdɪŋ/ adj. 正发芽的;开始发育的,成长中的   点一首CP神曲《真相是真》,狠狠地emo了。CP粉的心又碎了。   真相是真阿鸣 - 真相是真   Amusingly enough, Schwimmer’s Instagram recently advertised Ross and Rachel “lobster” t-shirts, so I’m sure he’s not unhappy with the increased attention the two have been receiving.   有趣的是,休默最近在Instagram上为罗斯和瑞秋的“龙虾”t恤做了广告,所以我相信他对他们俩受到的越来越多的关注并没有什么不满。   The romance might have turned out to be fan fiction, but Friendsfans should be happy with the knowledge that the two remain close friends.   这段罗曼史可能只是同人小说,但《老友记》的粉丝们应该感到高兴,因为他们仍然是亲密的朋友。   正如大卫·修蒙自己说的那样,他们就像两条交错的船,缺少了双方都是单身的阶段,也注定了无法从朋友变成最终的恋人。   在拍摄《老友记》的过程中,詹妮弗就有了一个著名男朋友——当红大帅哥布拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt),他还客串过《老友记》。   所以,哪怕她真的在拍戏的时候对“罗斯”有一点点心动,也很难与他再进一步。彼此只能坚守住朋友的界限。   后来的故事大家也都知道,布拉德·皮特和安吉丽娜·朱丽在拍《史密斯夫妇》时因戏生情,并在2005年与詹妮弗离婚。   离婚后,詹妮弗又认识了演员贾斯汀·塞洛克斯( Justin Theroux),并于2015年秘密完婚。这段婚姻持续的时间也不长,2018年也离了。   而在大卫·修蒙这一边呢,2010年,他也和英国摄影师佐伊·巴克曼(Zoe Buckman)结婚了。   They tied the knot in a private ceremony in June 2010 - three months after getting engaged.   订婚三个月后,他们在2010年6月的一个私人仪式上喜结连理。   They welcomed daughter Cleo in May 2011.   2011年,他们迎来了女儿克利奥。   In April 2018, nearly seven years after tying the knot, Buckman and Schwimmer took the world by storm when they announced their split.   2018年4月,在结婚近7年后,巴克曼和修蒙宣布离婚,震惊了全世界。   The couple, however, noted that despite the separation, Cleo's happiness and well-being remained their utmost priority as they navigate a new chapter in their relationship.   然而,这对夫妇指出,尽管分手了,他们的关系翻开新的篇章,但是女儿克利奥的幸福依然是最优先考虑的事情。   对于两人的错过,虽然大家都觉得很遗憾,但是借用菲比当时在剧里说过的“名言”:男女朋友来来去去,但朋友是一辈子的。   虽然詹妮弗·安妮斯顿和大卫·修蒙没有真正在一起,但是平行时空下的瑞秋和罗斯足够幸福,那就够了。
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